Fighting Hate One Muslim Woman and One Jewish Woman at a Time–a Conversation with Roberta Elliott

Through the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom’s growing number of chapters worldwide, Jewish and Muslim women are meeting together to build strong relationships based on mutual trust and respect with the goal of ending anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish sentiment. The idea is so simple, yet so profound: better relationships among individuals lead to better inter-group attitudes.
“It is hard to hate a different ethnic, religious or racial group when you have friends who are members of that group,” says Roberta Elliott, President of Sisterhood of Salaam That universal truth lies at the heart of this latest HelpMe2Understand conversation.
We also chat about:
- The surprising event that led to the Sisterhood’s founding.
- How the simple idea behind the Sisterhood took root and continues to expand worldwide.
- Why sharing religious practices and beliefs can be so powerful in ending conflict between Muslims and Jews.
- The importance of women in this work.
- How the work of the Sisterhood influences family, friends and the general public to fight hate, negative stereotyping and prejudice.
- Sisterhood resources: Guide to Responding to Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism; Guide to Religious Holidays; and Cultural and Religious Etiquette.
- Why a focused outreach to Muslims and Jews of color.
And so much more…
According to Roberta, “By building bridges of trust and respect, Sisterhood members are uniting against bigotry and acts of hate one Muslim and one Jewish woman at a time.” She continues, “The Talmud (oral law) asks, ‘“Who is a hero?” and answers “One who makes one’s enemy into a friend.”’
If we all would live by this one ideal, how many world conflicts could be resolved in an instant?
To find out more about the Sisterhood of Salaam, how to find or start a local chapter, or where to view Stranger/Sister, please visit their website,